Laboratory for
Complex Brain Networks

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Research Projects

[ Network Methodologies | Pharmacologic Studies | Task-Induced Network Changes in Brain Networks | Aging, Obesity, and Exercise | Social Networks | Music | Other Projects ]

Network Methodologies

LCBN's mission statement is "To understand the brain as a complex system through the application and development of network science methods." These research projects are the realization of the second part of that statement. We have developed new methods for modeling the brain, evaluating which nodes are truly most crucial to the flow of information in a network, assessing the small-world characteristics of complex brain networks, and quantifying the consistency of the brain's community structure, among others. To see more about our work on network methodologies, click here.

Pharmacologic Studies

LCBN has undertaken several studies of the effects of various substances on brain function. We have focused on the effects of caffeine and alcohol on cognitive function. To see more information about our pharmacologic studies, click here.

Task-Induced Network Changes in Brain Networks

The effects of having subjects perform tasks during analysis are still a hotly debated topic in neuroscience. We have analyzed data from several different studies to evaluate the changes of the human brain when the subject is watching a movie with or without sound, or resting with eyes open or eyes closed. To read more about the effects of these tasks on brain networks, click here. Projects on music have moved to their own category, which can be seen below.

Aging, Obesity, and Exercise

Aging and obesity are increasingly important topics in America as healthcare costs continue to increase. These studies have sought to evaluate the differences in brain networks that can be seen as a result of exercise- related interventions and how this relates to any improvements in physical health. To see more about these research projects, click here.

Social Networks

Social networks are one of most studied areas of network science. We have analyzed the collaboration patterns of faculty at Wake Forest using social networks generated from coauthorship information. To see more on this project, click here.


Within the brain, music affects an intricate set of complex neural processing systems. These include structural components as well as functional brain systems of cognition, sensory and motor planning and execution, memory and mood or emotional fluctuation. Because music affects such diverse systems, it is an ideal candidate for network science methods. These studies explore how music listening and training influence structural and functional brain connectivity. For more information on projects related to music, click here.

Other Projects

We have also worked on several projects that do not fit into easy categories. These include a network consisting of genes, genetic disorders, and the brain regions they affect and a software tool to calculate the sample size necessary in a neuroimaging study to get a certain power. To see these research projects, click here.